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Sexual Health Advocacy

Mental Health Advocacy

  • Many of the ideas in my platform are great for improving the mental health and wellbeing of students at King’s, and I hope that you can see that mental health is related to every aspect of human life. So let’s fix and improve King’s everyday life to create a more mentally healthy campus.

  • It is no secret that there are inadequate services for mental health here at King’s and I believe it is the duty of the KUCSC to advocate on behalf of King’s students to King’s administration for more service.

  • I believe that the continuation of great programs and services on King’s campus such as Jack.Org, de-stressor events, student appreciation weeks, and more are crucial to improving mental health on campus.

  • Sexual Health is a controversial topic here at King’s as we are a Catholic affiliated University. While the university might not be ready to have conversations surrounding sexual health, the KUCSC as an autonomous corporation of students has the freedom to do so. There is definitely a gap in knowledge and services for sexual health and for many it is still a taboo subject to talk about.

  • I believe that it is important for the KUCSC to take charge and talk about sexual health as it is certainly linked with mental health.

  • How? Let’s foster a relationship with the Middlesex-London Health Unit with the hopes that they can partner in promoting sexual health on campus.

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