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Improving Physical Plant

Bike Safety and Security

  • After talking to administration, there are many different approaches we can take regarding bike security such as cameras under bike racks, bike cages with student card access and more.

  • Alongside improving bike security on campus, it is important to educate King’s students on bike safety and security which is why if I am elected, I will host a bike safety awareness week.

    • During this week we could sell ulocks, helmets, and bike-lights. We could also register bikes with campus police, educate students on bike safety, fix up people’s bikes and promote the King’s Wheels bikeshare program.


Changing Parking

  • If elected, I promise to advocate to administration for a more time-equitable system of parking that is cheaper for students.


  • I would advocate to add minor changes to physical plant, such as curtains to upstairs SLC, replace ATMs with branded ABMs like CIBC, RBC, and Scotiabank - with American withdrawal.

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