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Improving Student Engagement

  • One of the most difficult obstacles the KUCSC faces is how can the KUCSC engage more students.

  • One simple way of improving community engagement is to implement a student ideas box

    • This is a way to get the ideas of those who are not typically engaged or do not have the time to follow through on the ideas and changes they want to see to the King’s community.

  • If elected, I personally promise to make post-council meeting “Oval Office” videos updating the King’s Community on what is going on in council meetings, what motions were proposed, what has been passed and what wasn’t passed. This is a way we could connect what is happening in student council with students that are not involved with it.

  • Something that I think is especially important is incentivizing students to be active members of the community especially in leadership roles.

    • Giving people a tangible reason to be​ in leadership roles will encourage students to do their job more effectively and efficiently

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